&hint1=I was crafted between 1190-1230 in the Southern Song Dynasty& &hint2=I reflect Daoist philosophy& &hint3=I display a natural world that is tame and idealized& &hint4=I show a scholar official walking in a higher realm& &choices=Walking on a Mountain Path;The Sixth Patriarch Chopping Bamboo at Enlightenment;Seven Juniper Trees;Li Po Chanting a Poem;Sacrifice of Isaac, Brunelleschi;Secluded Fisherman on an Autumn River& &answer=Walking on a Mountain Path& &search=Ma Yuan Mountain& &title=Walking on a Mountain Path& &artist=Ma Yuan& &medium=Album leaf, ink, and colors on silk& &date=c.1190-1230& &location=National Palace Museum, Taipei& &dimensions=10 3/4" x 1'5"&